Thursday, August 30, 2007

Lea's warrior doll

This dog was made for me in extraordinary detail by the talented Eleni Smith. I have never liked dolls before, but she is awesome. I lack words to describe how intricate and thoughtful the warrior doll is.

Eleni made the necklace of fire herself.

I just love the little stars in her armband.
It came with an little scroll to explain all her totems. The messenger bag was filled with precious things, including (but not limited to) a tiny little notebook with tiny little lined pages and a teeny little pencil.

A close-up of the back, with the warrior's familiar 'tattooed' on her hip.

Another close-up. I could go on and on and on and on with close-ups and details, but I think I'll leave it here. Thanks Eleni, I'm so lucky to know you!
Here's where she sits now in the livingroom where she can survey all with her benevolent smile.

1 comment:

GraceArtemis said...

OT: Just got your letter - I'm so sorry to hear what happened to you and Amelia! And those by-standers that did nothing: are they insane?!? If someone is screaming for help of course you have to do something! I hope you are doing better already.

And your warrior doll is really cool by the way :-)!